Monday, August 21, 2006

What my Lebanese friend says about the War:

I find great perspective on the matter from people I associate with daily. Before leaving the States for Israel I spoke with a Sunni Lebanese friend that I had worked with for years. Despite having an very friendly and amicable relationship, I'm quite sure that my friend is no great lover of Israel, I've never pressed him on the matter, but certainly two wars on Lebanese turf can make one bitter on the subject.

He told me that what Nasrallah claimed a victory in Lebanon, was actually the most destructive thing that ever happened to his country and he feared another civil war was on the rise. I was shocked - the media outlets make it seem like everyone and their grandfather are cheering on Nasrallah, but if my well connected Lebanese friend with plenty of family back home thinks this, I'm sure there is at least a degree of agreement among his friends and family. What is at stake today is the difference between my friend's beliefs - respect for life, the persuit of growing society and civilization - and Iran's beliefs of intollerance, destruction and 'victory' over reason.


Blogger Abu Teddy said...

Interestingly enough, my Lebanese friends wouldn't even let me pay for a tank of gas that I filled up at their service station the other day.
"Tell them in Israel, thank you from the Lebanese Christians and Sunnis. The Hezbollah has ruined Lebanon like the Al Fatah before them. The Shia should join the rest of us in ridding Lebanon of the Hezbollah Menace. Thank you Israel."
The press and the Christians in Lebanon can never say this in public for fear of Hezbollah death squads killing them and their families. I just think we owe it to them to help them express their thanks to Israel.

1:33 PM  

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