Sunday, January 09, 2011
Monday, September 06, 2010
September 6, 2010 - 7:49 AM | by: Leland Vittert
The first rule of breaking the rules is don’t get caught---the second don’t get caught on video tape.
In an amazing ‘coincidence’ an Israeli military drone was able to capture the explosion’s aftermath Shehabiyeh---it is unclear if the drone saw the actually explosion because the entire tape has not been release. But the tape, provided by the Army, clearly shows a number of people running around and men carrying large crates out of the home. The Israelis say those crates are Hezbollah missiles illegally stored in the town.
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[ youtube VcJU0WuW6D8 ]
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Saturday, September 04, 2010

Hezbollah leader praises Hamas after shooting attacks in the West Bank
It is seldom that one hears or a politica leader praising the butchering of innocent civilians. Nasrallah sinks to the occasion.
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Wednesday, September 01, 2010
On a related note: Hezbollah's approval of the synagogue renovation is entirely
consistent with other statements it has made regarding distinctions between Jews
and Zionism, e.g. "Our problem with them (the Israelis) is not that they are Jews,
but that they are occupiers who are raping our land and holy places." However,
it is entirely inconsistent with the 2002 supposed quote of Hezbollah head Nasrallah
that has been peddled as genuine by the likes of David Horowitz and Alan Dershowitz
and CAMERA: "If Jews all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide." This quote has gone viral, even finding its way into a New York Times book review, misleadingly cited by Dershowitz as the source for the quote, as if it had been reported in the Times rather than simply repeated by a book reviewer.
Gee David, as long as Hezbollah is 'not inconsistent'. Oh my gosh, what if, in addition to kidnapping, murder, psychotic missile lobbing, what if they were 'inconsistent"?????
My God, my faith in humanity would just absolutely diminish. And how 'bout those two nasty pro-Zionist punks, Dershowitz and Horowitz and that awful CAMERA group "peddling" nasty gossip about your beloved Hassan
Nasrallah. They are going to really have to say a few " AL Hets" in shul this Rosh Hashanah for that bit of Loshon Horah. Get a grip you twit. The people in Beirut 'get it'. They all know that it's just a luscious Hezbollah PR ploy. You remember, Hezbollah, the guys that murdered all those US Marines in Beirut and those Jews in bomb attack on a Jewish centre in Argentina in 1994.
A Grand Synagogue, but no Jews. A museum piece. Only a fool like you would
believe that it is anything more. A ruse to be used on fools. Worked great on you didn't it?
Friday, August 27, 2010

Daniel Pearl's Father on Hezbollah & Hamas
Jerusalem Post op-ed article, Judea Pearl, father of the Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel murdered by Islamic terrorists in Pakistan eight years ago
“Terrorist acts, whenever condemned,( by US Muslim Leaders -Ed.) are immediately ‘contextually explicated’ (to quote Tariq Ramadan); spiritual legitimizers of suicide bombings (e.g, Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi of Qatar) are revered beyond criticism; Hamas and Hizbullah are permanently shielded from the label of ‘terrorist.’ Overall, the message that emerges from this discourse is unambiguous: When Muslim grievance is at question, America is the culprit and violence is justified, if not obligatory.” READ ON"

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Photo - WSJ Photo of the Day
Hezbollah and Sunni groups clash in Beirut
with heavy weapons leaving 2 dead
By Elizabeth A. Kennedy (CP) – Aug 24,2010 2:40 PM EDT
BEIRUT — Lebanese Shiite and Sunni groups traded machine-gun fire and grenades in Beirut on Tuesday, killing two people and wounding several others just blocks from a busy downtown packed with tourists at this time of year.
Read On - The Canadian Press
Monday, August 23, 2010

Photo Credit
Fun Art
Prestige Wars - Sunni Turkey vs Shiite Hezbollah
When the Turkish boat was attacked, Ankara grasped the banner of the Palestinian cause with both hands. Turkey is a Sunni nation, and the regional tectonic plates began to shift. Until that moment Hezbollah was the undisputed champion of the downtrodden Palestinians, with Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah the darling of the Arab street. In the aftermath of the flotilla incident, one in which it played no part and shed no blood, all the party could do was condemn the brutality and hold symbolic funerals for the dead.
Read Full Article
Sunday, August 22, 2010

He Said, MSM Said: CNN & the Truth about Lebanon's Border Ambush
Richard Landes looks at CNN reporting on the recent Lebanon-Israel border clash.
Watch Video
Thursday, August 19, 2010
- All Complaints Should Be Directed to --
Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah Desk,
Embassy of Iran in Beirut, Lebanon -
Bear Hassan, Beirut, Lebanon, P.O. Box: 5030,
Beirut, Lebanon,
Tel: +961-1- 821 224 - 821 224 - 865 558 - 865 559
This blog also contains facts with which some may be uncomfortable.
So be it.

Hezbollah terrorists preparing for war with Israel
Hezbollah reportedly builds tunnel system 'more impressive than Paris underground' to counter IDF strikes; Yemenite Qaeda leader tells followers to prepare for Israel-Iran war, urges pilots to replicate 9/11 attacks in Israel
Monday, August 16, 2010

Photo - World Defense Review
Underneath Lebanon, Israel sees hidden battlefield
With tensions mounting along their shared border, Israel’s military says Hezbollah is moving fighters and weapons into the villages of south Lebanon, building up a secret network of arms warehouses, bunkers and command posts in preparation for war.
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Labels: Hezbollah

Signs point to trouble ahead for Hezbollah
Could this be the beginning of the end for the radical Lebanese group?
For the first time since its official emergence in 1985, Lebanon's powerful Shiite "Party of God" is feeling nervous about its future as an autonomous and untouchable politico-military organization.
It is not a potential war with Israel that is making Hezbollah anxious, though ..
Friday, August 06, 2010
August 7, 2010
Hezbollah proudly shows off its prowess.
Link to Story

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Hezbollah's Seat on UN Security Council
Ami Horowitz - Insecurity Council - from Huffington Post
This week, under the watchful eye of UNIFIL, the United Nations peacekeeping force in Southern Lebanon, there was a fatal border skirmish between the Lebanese Army and the Israeli Defense Forces. This tussle reminds us of one of the great absurdities of the United Nations: Hezbollah, widely known as the most lethal terrorist group operating today, responsible for the killing of hundreds of American marines and embassy employees, and the slaughter of 85 civilians in a Jewish community center in Argentina, has a de facto seat on the Security Council.
During the course of filming U.N. Me, my feature documentary about the failure of the United Nations to live up to its founding principles, I have come across countless examples of the organization's shocking indifference to, and inability to act against, evil. This one is near the top.
Wednesday, August 04, 2010

The August 3rd Border Incident Becomes More and More Curious
I am still puzzled by the presence of an AP News Team on the Israeli side of the Border. As someone who has spent countless days and nights on that border it is, rare that any news team shows up for a tree trimming operation or for anything else until there is either a press conference called or until after the shooting has started (and usually ended).
Video of Events Reuters
The presence of a Reuters news team on the Lebanese side of the border can be explained by the long standing connection between Hezbollah and Reuters. Tip offs, staged events and fake news are commonly coordinated between the two. Read this blog further for evidence of collusion.

In this particular case AP and Reuters just happened to be right on the spot, catching the Israeli Weed Whackers and the spit ‘n polish Lebanese Army in action. Why did the AP guys show up on the Israeli side? To film the lumberjacking before anything happened? This some kind of big story? Who tipped them off, their competitors for the scoop, Reuters? Hezbollah? Hamas? Israel?
Let’s look at the outcome.
Two Israelis down. One dead, one near death.
Both battalion or brigade level reserve officers. Three Lebanese soldiers dead and a Reuters camera man also dead.
Countries have been known to sacrifice soldiers (pawns) on the chess board of war to make a larger plan come together and border incidents have been known to spark wars in the Middle East and elsewhere. Tragic but true.
Responsibility :
The Lebanese Army has taken responsibility for the hit. Lebanon agrees. Israel agrees and fingers Lebanon. The US government also points to Lebanon’s snipers.
Strategic outcome:
Lebanese Army upstages Hezbollah as defender of Southern Lebanon and moves its troops south to supposedly defend against Israel’s expected retaliatory attack.
The Lebanese army would then be in position with the backing of the US, France and UN to pry Hezbollah, which in July began moving its troops, some 20,000 strong, to the south of Lebanon facing Israel, from its strongholds and perhaps push them into the waiting wave of Israeli troops and armor.
Debka File Reported earlier this week that Syrian President Bashar Assad has jilted Hizballah's Hassan Nasrallah and switched his support to the Sunni Prime Minister Saad Hariri in a deal with Saudi King Abdullah.
So, Hezbollah’s traditional ally the Syrians, can’t be counted on for support or resupply. Looks like Nassrallah will be on his own.
Notice that this all comes on the heels of The Arab League’s push for the Palestinian Authority to go to direct talks with Netanyahu’s government in Israel. Abbas & Arab League
My sources in the Middle East say that they smell a definite change in the wind. Stable Arab governments, hoping to cash in on the ‘Peace Train’ are now anxious to dump their belligerent, troublesome, defiant and often rebellious Palestinian brothers and their radical Shi’a cousins of all stripes.
Could the Arabs be finally coming to the realization, hoping to avoid further Turkish and Iranian influence in the area and sensing war brewing on the horizon for Iran, that Israel and the West are their meal tickets to a secure and prosperous future?
Middle East analyst, Elias Youssef Bejjani, sums up the situation thus in his post of two weeks ago;
Hopefully, this time Israel backed by the Western and moderate Arab countries will push Hezbollah out of Lebanon as it did in 1982 with the PLO. The region deserves a lasting peace that cannot be achieved while Hezbollah holds the Lebanese people hostage Read complete article
Just as ,’moderate Arabs’ described by then President George W. Bush could be counted on as partners in his campaign to rid Iraq of Saddam Hussein’s regime, could it be possible that more Arab leaders are beginning to see the folly of breeding extremist groups on their home turf?
More evidence? For all the stink over the Israeli assassination of Hamas officer Mahmoud al-Mabhouh notice that the story has happily faded into the convenient ‘cycle of Middle East violence”. Dubai’s financial fortunes have sunk in the past 2 years along with everyone else’s. Wouldn’t they be willing to go along with ‘dumping Hamas’ and the rest of the extremists in order to enjoy a bailout ala Goldman Sachs and GM?
Yes indeed, things are getting “curiouser and couriouser” .
Goodbye Hezbollah?
What to expect.
On the battle field, if the Israelis and the Lebanese hope to crush this force once and for all, the tactic will be to allow Hezbollah to fully engage all fighters in supporting a pyrotechnic gala of tens of thousands of rockets. Israeli civilians will hunker down in their bomb shelters while the Lebanese army surrounds Hezbollah, routs them and forces them to flee southward into the waiting jaws of the Israeli army war machine which began its northward movement within hours of the first salvos to keep the Hezbollah focused on the south with no one left to guard their rear. The battles will completely chew up and exhaust Lebanese forces which leaves the question, “How will the Lebanese government maintain control once the fighting is done? What other forces will be at its disposal. 25,000 US Marines? UN forces? Both?
The Hezbollah is a dangerous organization with world – wide reach. When threatened they can easily begin attacking soft targets across the globe with pre-positioned terror agents. A heightened alert signal will go out and a lot of air traffic will be snarled for weeks. The price of oil will increase slightly and some other material shortages may occur.
The final questions remain, What will Syria do and when? Will Egypt take this opportunity to roll into Gaza and reclaim it? The Russians. What about the Russians?
-- All Complaints Should Be Directed to --
Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah Desk,
Embassy of Iran in Beirut, Lebanon -
Bear Hassan, Beirut, Lebanon, P.O. Box: 5030,
Beirut, Lebanon,
Tel: +961-1- 821 224 - 821 224 - 865 558 - 865 559
This blog also contains facts with which some may be uncomfortable.
So be it.

Hezbollah Continues To Deceive and Kill - Media Complicit
Yesterday's Reporting of Events on the Lebanon - Israel Border are reminiscent of past Hezbollah media ambushes;
Link to Ambulance Scam
NY TIMES Photographer Busted in Hezbollah Photo Fraud
(Photos by Tyler Hicks The New York Times)
Link to NY Times Photo Fraud

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Complete Story Here
Special Alert: Media Collusion in Lebanon Ambush
What were photographers and journalists doing at the scene of the incident before a deadly exchange of fire between Lebanese and Israeli forces?
A fatal exchange of fire between Lebanese soldiers and the IDF on Israel's northern border has left one Israeli soldier dead along with 4 other fatalities on the Lebanese side. The incident also raises questions concerning the integrity of the media that covered the events.
Lebanese forces opened fire on IDF soldiers performing routine maintenance work by the security fence near the border. The IDF soldiers were clearing bushes to improve the line of sight over the border and to prevent Hezbollah terrorists from hiding in the undergrowth and carrying out an attack or kidnapping. The routine work had been cleared in advance with UNIFIL.
It is vital to note that the UN demarcated Blue Line that marks the official border between Israel and Lebanon does not always follow the route of the security fence. While the IDF was operating over the fence, it was still within Israeli territory as seen on the map below.
How and Why Were the Photographers There?
An AP report on the incident places Ronith Daher, a Lebanese journalist and the photographer of the above image, at the scene. Evidently, someone from Reuters was also there to take the previous image. But why were they there in the first place taking photographs before the incident even occurred?
After all, pruning foliage is hardly headline news on an ordinary day unless something out of the ordinary was expected. UNIFIL and through it, the Lebanese Army, had been notified of the IDF's routine maintenance and even UNIFIL now admits that the Lebanese fire was unwarranted.
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Sunday, August 01, 2010
Hezbollah says it's ready for fresh war with Israel – and stronger now
Driving through Hezbollah's stronghold in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley, a veteran fighter says the militant group has made significant military advances since their last war with Israel in 2006: 'We have many other surprises for the Israelis.'
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Friday, July 30, 2010
Published On Fri Jul 30 2010
Share Rss Article
By Olivia Ward
Foreign Affairs Reporter
Counterterrorism Degrees
BS/MS in Counterterrorism
Taught by Former CIA, FBI and SS
Lebanon has been steeped in death and destruction, with more than 150,000 people killed since the 1970s, and assassination a common political tool. Not for nothing is Beirut’s focal point called Martyrs’ Square.
So the urgent arrival of Saudi King Abdullah and Syrian President Bashar Assad to the Lebanese capital Friday, to avert a new outbreak of violence over the findings of a UN tribunal, is a signal of how fragile is the country’s peace.
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Monday, July 26, 2010
26 Jul 2010
Hezbollah is the number one Jihadist and terrorist group worldwide, much more treacherous, better organized, structured and armed than Al Qaida, and on top, Iran is totally behind it. Hezbollah that fully controls the Lebanese government and has erected a ministate in Lebanon, is not just a dire threat to Lebanon and its peaceful people, but in fact is a real threat to all the Arab and Western countries, and to the essence and core of global order, freedom, peace and democracy.
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Wednesday, July 14, 2010
File under "I Love New York and God Bless America"
JERUSALEM (JTA) -- A group of Israelis has filed a $1.2 billion lawsuit in U.S. federal court against the Al Jazeera news network.
Ninety-one Israeli plaintiffs, civilians who were injured during the monthlong 2006 Second Lebanon War or are relatives of victims, are charging in their suit that the Qatar-based network's war coverage was designed to help Hezbollah. Al Jazeera has offices in New York.
The suit filed Monday in Manhattan Federal Court says that Al Jazeera, in violation of the Israeli military censorship rules, reported during live coverage the location of missile strikes on Israel, enabling Hezbollah to better aim ensuing missiles.
One plaintiff, a resident of Safed, was struck twice
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Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Hezollah Mexico
Link to HedgeHog Blog
Mexican Police thwarted an attempt by the Lebanese radical Shiite group Hezbollah to set up a terrorist network in South America, using Mexican nationals with ties to Lebanon. The Mexican police penetrated the plot, and mounted a surveillance operation on the group's leader, Jameel Nasr, who traveled frequently to Lebanon to receive information and instructions from Hezbollah commanders there. (Mullah Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, appears in the photo above left.) Nasr also frequently visited other countries in Latin America, inclulding a two-month stay in--surprise--Venezuela--in the summer of 2008. Venezuela's anti-American and anti-Israeli President, Hugo Chavez, openly courts
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Monday, September 04, 2006
בשלב הלחימה צה"ל פגע פגיעה חמורה מאוד בלוחמי חזבאללה – מאות מהם נהרגו ובעיקר מהיחידות המובחרות שלו. תשתיות החזבאללה שכללו בונקרים מבוטנים, אמצעי קשר משוכללים ונשקים מתקדמים נהרסו לחלוטין בקו הגבול, ונפגעו קשה בכל מרחב הלחימה. צבא לבנון נפרס כרגע בדרום לבנון לראשונה מזה עשרות שנים ובניגוד לרצון המקורי של נסראללה.
נסראללה נאבק על עתידו הפוליטי בלבנון. חיילי צה"ל יוצאים בשירה מהשטח ועם מוטיבציה גדולה לחזור אם נצטרך. ינצח מי שיישאר מאמין בצדקתו בסופו של התהליך ומאוחד כעם.
During the recent battles and combat, the IDF hit the Hezbollah very hard and killed hundreds of the most elite Hezbollah fighters . Hezbollah's foundations in Southern Lebanon , fortified bunkers and telecommunications, advanced weapons systems, along the Israel - Lebanon border have suffered heavy damage.
The Lebanese army is being deployed along the border area for the first time in decades in spite of Nasrallah's resistance to this move. Nasrallah himself is fighting for his own political survival in Lebanon. The IDF is pulling out of Lebanon in high spirits and with complete motivation to go back and do what is necessary whenever they are called upon to do it.
The winner is he who knows how right is his cause and how united is his nation.
--With thanks to Tzvia from Kfar Sava
Live Fast - Die Young
It should be noted that the dreaded, Hezbollah Special Security Forces, have begun a massive hunt for spies within their ranks. Mossad has penetrated Hezbollah at levels so high up that the operatives mark out Hezbollah positions with special chemicals ( known as painting a target) so that the Israel Air Force could more easily pinpoint their strikes on Hezbollah command and control.
In a witch - hunt like this, lots of Hezbollah regulars who are actually completely loyal to Nasrallah will be swept up in the big net and executed. No trial and no 401K.
(Now , who will want to join an organization with that sort of out-placement policy?)
Hezbollah chiefs are spending a lot of time looking over their shoulders and wondering how many of their recruits are actually "with the program" and how many are actually Israeli Spies who are painting them as the IDF's next targets. Visit Debkafile for more info.
Why I am proud to be a Jew
With war raging in the Middle East, with global terror reaching new heights, with global anti-Semitism on the rise, I thought it might be a good time to reflect on why I'm proud, more than ever, to be a Jew.
I'm proud to be a Jew because Jews don't kidnap.
I'm proud to be a Jew because Jewish education does not consist of teaching martyrdom and hatred.
I'm proud to be a Jew because my religious leaders and religious services don't whip me into a frenzy to kill others.
I'm proud to be a Jew because in the middle of a war, Jews still demonstrate and protest to protect the rights of the Arab-Israeli minority to voice their opposition to the war.
I'm proud to be a Jew because even when Israel is wrongly and falsely accused of killing innocent civilians, Jewish leaders apologize immediately for any loss of life - instead of celebrating these deaths by passing out candy and shooting celebratory gunshots into the air.
When the world accuses Israel of massacre in Jenin - when the world accuses Israel of bombing civilians on a Gaza beach - when the world accuses Israel of shooting a child cowering against a wall - when the world accuses Israel of bombing a Lebanese apartment building killing 56 civilians - when all of these accusations turn out to be totally false - to be vicious anti -Semitic lies - and when all along I knew in my heart that these stories just could not be true - and I'm later proven to be right - then I'm proud to be a Jew.
I'm proud to be a Jew because the Israeli Army is so, so good, that when it takes more than four weeks to wipe out a sophisticated enemy who has prepared six years for this war, the world criticizes the IDF for not getting the job done quickly.
I'm proud to be a Jew when my army, the Israeli army, drops leaflets and makes calls to Lebanese citizens on their cell phones to warn them to evacuate before bombing begins.
I'm proud to be a Jew when the democracies of the world talk about fighting the war on terror, but only Israel is left alone to bear the burden of eradicating Hezbollah, the proxy army of Iran and Syria.
I'm proud to be a Jew when entire Israeli towns in the north-Nahariya, Kiryat Shimona, Safed, are reduced to ghost towns due to the constant shelling, and yet not one looter has appeared to empty out the property of others.
When Israel must defend its very right to exist, when it must fight a well armed enemy representing the Islamic fascists, as President Bush has called them, when Israel must conduct this war on terror with its hands tied behind its back so as not to take an innocent life lest the media have something true to report, that it must fight this war of survival under the cloud of "disproportionality", as if thousands of Katusha rockets falling on its citizenry is somehow "proportionate"- when Israel simultaneously pushes back these threats both in the North and in the South under the added pressure of a biased media, then I'm proud to be a Jew.
I'm proud to be a Jew when the Edinburgh Scottish film festival tells an Israeli director to stay home although his film is being screened and the director says "No, I'm coming."
I'm proud to be a Jew because Mel Gibson is not a Jew.
I'm proud to be a Jew when the UN's Human Rights Commission consists of countries like Syria, Libya and Iran and Israel is not asked to join.
I'm proud to be a Jew when magician David Blaine announces his trip to Israel next week to entertain the children living in bomb shelters and tells the press he's doing it to encourage other performers to stand up for Israel and its right to defend itself.
I'm proud to be a Jew when a Russian/Israeli businessman single-handedly creates not one but two tent cities on the beach to house Israelis fleeing the North and provides shelter, bedding, food and drink, showers and bathrooms - all done without red tape in a matter of 24 hours - to house over 6,000 Israeli's, one of whom described it as a "poor man's Club Med."
I am proud to be a Jew when Israelis on the left and on the right support the government's decision to fight - when 97% of the country is united in its own defense - when Israeli's from Jerusalem give shelter to families from Haifa - when food from the Negev is donated to feed soldiers at the front - when the IDF deploys soldiers on special assignments to deliver diapers to shelters and to entertain and calm the frightened children.
I'm proud to be a Jew when the three weeks preceding Tisha B'Av reminds us of the terrible things we have endured as a people and as a nation - and yet immediately thereafter, Hashem offers us consolation, redemption and hope - plus the promise that we shall defeat our enemies, that we shall endure, that Am Yisrael Chai.
And I am proud to be a Jew because when we proclaim that God is on our side, we have the book to prove it. Reprinted from ARTZENU
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Friday, September 01, 2006
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Last known address:
Embassy of Peoples Republic of Iran
Bear Hasan Street
Beirut Lebanon
Att: Hassan Nasrallah/Hezbollah Desk
COUNTRY ARea CODE : 00961 1
TEL : 821224-300008-865558-865559
Michael Behe July 30,2006
“Before the Israeli attack, Lebanon no longer existed, it was no more than a hologram.” This is what the Lebanese journalist, Michael Behe, wrote on July 30. His commentary was posted on the website of the Metula News Agency in Beirut. To understand the Lebanese situation, it helps to know that, despite a history that dates back to biblical times, modern Lebanon was literally the invention of Western powers, England and France, after WWI in 1920. It became independent of France in the early 1940s.
In Memeory of Rafik Hariri - Murdered by Syrian Agents
Then, in the 1970s, the Palestinians, driven out of Jordan and elsewhere, moved in. Doing what they do best, they started a civil war and, in 1978, after a Palestine Liberation Organization attack killed 37 Israeli civilians, Israel launched an offensive to drive them away from its northern border.
In 1982, Israel again invaded in response to attacks. Christian Lebanese troops entered Palestinian refugee camps and massacred hundreds. The era of the Palestinians was over, but by the next decade its successor, Hezbollah, was routinely shelling Israel, provoking Israeli military responses. After a long occupation of southern Lebanon, in 2000 Israel decided to withdraw its troops. On February 14, 2005, Rafiq al-Hariri, a former prime minister of Lebanon, was assassinated in Beirut. His death points back to Damascus. He had become an outspoken opponent to the Syrian occupation of Lebanon that had begun 1976, a year after the outbreak of the civil war. In the years that followed, thousands of Lebanese were brutally imprisoned or killed by Syrian occupiers. By 1991, the domination of Lebanon by Syria had been formalized with a defense and security agreement. This was followed two years later by an economic agreement in which Lebanon’s true status as a colony of Syria was made official. Hariri’s assassination generated a rally in which the streets of Beirut filled with anti-Syrian Lebanese. It was dubbed the “Cedar Revolution” and lasted about five minutes. Days later, on March 8, 2005 Hezbollah was able to put over a million other Lebanese into the streets. This was followed by an election that was so gerrymandered only pro-Syrian candidates had any chance of being elected. Hezbollah had reinvented itself as a political party. Under intense international pressure, Syria prudently removed its troops from Lebanon after the Hariri assassination. An earlier 2004 United Nations Security Council resolution 1559 demanding this action had been ignored. The various elected governments of Lebanon had turned a blind eye to the growth of Hezbollah. Funded and trained by Iran and supplied through Syria, Hezbollah was in charge. As Behe noted, there were parts of Beirut where its own citizens, including its police and army, were forbidden access. “A square measuring a kilometer wide, a capital within the capital, permanently guarded by the (Hezbollah) army, possessing its own institution, its schools, its tribunals, its radio, its television and above all, its government.” It was precisely this part of Beirut the Israeli air force destroyed. The rest of the city, as of July 30, was left intact.
The problem for Lebanon is the problem for the world. Muslims resist or are restrained from living in a modern sovereign, secular nation. Iraq was secular because a dictator made it that way. Turkey was secular because its modern founder, Ataturk, turned it toward Europe in 1925 and away from Muslim traditions and governance. Modern Lebanon's problem is demography. In 1943 when its constitution was established, a “national pact” insured representation by both Christians and Muslims with top offices being allocated to each group. Today, Muslims are the largest part of Lebanon’s population, easily 75% or more. The Lebanese government failed its citizens and the Lebanese who voted Hezbollah politicians into power betrayed their nation.
Lebanon today is an imaginary nation. Destroyed by the Palestinians led by Yassir Arafat, occupied by Syria, Lebanon is now nothing more than the tool of Iranians who are busy preparing their own people for a war with the Israelis, the British, and the Americans. And how long are we going to wait around until they achieve that? How long was Israel supposed to wait while Lebanon/Hezbollah/Iran continued to kidnap its soldiers and shoot rockets into their homeland? The Palestinians of Hamas were enough of nuisance in their own right, but Hezbollah was a real army and one that has been trained and armed by the Iranians. In the last world war, America, Britain, and other allied nations expended years and thousands of lives to win against the dictatorships of Germany and Japan. In the end, we demanded and got "unconditional surrender." That is what we are going to need to do in the Middle East to free ourselves from the threat of the Islamic Jihad.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Israel’s Intelligence Chiefs Warn:
Hezbollah War Is Relocating to Gaza
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report
August 30, 2006, 1:22 AM (GMT+02:00)
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Israel’s intelligence chiefs have formed a new lobby to put their warnings in the public domain when they see the Olmert government failing to properly address grave security threats to the country.
The first to speak out was the Shin Bet director, Yuval Diskin.
He represented the heads of AMAN-military intelligence and the Mosad when he revealed to the Knesset foreign affairs and security committee Tuesday, Aug. 29, that Palestinian terrorists, notably Hamas, were employing Hizballah’s Lebanon tactics and building a Katyusha deployment, bunker network and anti-tank missile arsenal in the Gaza Strip. The northern West Bank, he said, had been taken over by Hizballah agents and radical Jihad Islami terrorists since its evacuation by Israel at the same time as the Gaza Strip last summer.
This was the Shin Bet director’s first appearance as spokesman of the new intelligence grouping.
It is made up of the heads of the three intelligence services, Diskin, AMAN’s Maj.-Gen Amos Yadlin and Meir Dagan, head of the Mossad, as well as the counter-terror departments of these services and of the IDF Southern Command.
In the wake of the Lebanon war, these security chiefs have resolved to stand guard over Israel’s national security interests against any strategic misjudgments of prime minister Ehud Olmert, defense minister Amir Peretz and chief of staff Lt. Gen. Dan Halutz.
DEBKAfile’s military sources report that the heads of the lobby are convinced that the Palestinian menace to Israel is as a great as Hizballah’s in Lebanon and becoming more acute.
They are campaigning for the Israeli army to reoccupy the Gaza-Egyptian border strip known as the Philadelphi route and propose a security zone one kilometer wide to run from Kerem Shalom to the Mediterranean and cut the Gaza Strip off from Sinai.
Since Israeli troops departed the Philadelphi border enclave last summer – with the rest of the Gaza Strip - weapons smuggling and terrorist traffic between Egypt and Gaza has been flourishing.
Diskin’s portrayal of Sinai as a paradise for international weapons traffickers and a strategic threat to Israel was timed to caution Olmert against further concessions on Lebanon to the visiting UN secretary-general Kofi Annan, in consideration of the strong Hizballah-Palestinian interchanges and reciprocity.
DEBKAfile’s intelligence sources reveal: Israel’s security chiefs have learned of a decision by Hizballah to keep its head down in S. Lebanon for the time being, while secretly opening two new anti-Israel fronts in the Gaza Strip and northern West Bank. This transposition of Hizballah’s war against Israel to the Palestinian arena has begun to materialize.
Three times as many Hizballah officers are traveling to the Gaza Strip by sea as before the war and deliveries of weapons systems have doubled, with Iranian support. Very large quantities of Katyusha rockets and anti-tank missiles are pouring into the Gaza Strip together with hundreds of RPG-29 rocket-propelled grenades and Grad rockets.
Intelligence leaders are warning the prime minister that if this influx is not scotched forthwith, southern Israel will find itself face to face with a second Hizballah front ready to go active in the second half of October.
The Hizballah master plan consists of three parts:
1. Its fighting units with the help of the Lebanese army (40% of which are Shiites) are pretending to remove themselves with their weapons from South Lebanon. Lebanese prime minister Fouad Siniora happily announced Tuesday that Hizballah had enabled the national army to intercept an arms consignment from Syria in the Lebanese Beqaa Valley. In Tyre, Hizballah fighters surrendered their weapons to Lebanese troops.
Nasrallah will allow a deceptive calm to reign as UN forces move into position, to satisfy them that Security Council resolution 1701 is being upheld, including the institution of an arms-free and militia-free zone in the south. It will last until Hizballah and its Tehran masters are ready for the next round.
2. This calm will contrast meanwhile with the opening of a Hizballah-Hamas front on Israel’s southwest border to replicate the Hizballah rocket offensive against northern Israel which was halted by the UN-brokered ceasefire two weeks ago. Israel’s Negev communities will be targeted instead of Galilee. But Israel’s hands for retaliating against Hizballah will be tied by the presence of the international force in Lebanon.
3. Olmert is sternly warned by Israel’s security chiefs on no account to buy the security arrangements he and his predecessors accepted for Israel’s southern border last year. Neither the Egyptian police contingents nor the European border inspectors have honored agreements signed at the time and caught a single terrorist or stopped a single weapons delivery smuggled in from Sinai to Gaza.
Diskin and Co. see the same pattern taking shape in south Lebanon.
He stressed to the lawmakers in Jerusalem that he felt bound to lay all this intelligence data before them in detail so that the intelligence community would not be blamed after the fact with failing to warn the country of the hazards in store, as it was after the Lebanon war.
The IDF killed eight Hamas operatives in the Gaza Strip on Wednesday in air strikes and gun battles, as the army continued its sweep in search of tunnels used for smuggling arms and perpetrating attacks.
Soldiers from the Givati Brigade have been operating in the Gaza City neighborhood of Shajaiyeh since Saturday and have so far killed at least 25 Hamas Operatives, while wounding another 15.
The Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) revealed that in a joint operation with the IDF, soldiers discovered a large tunnel extending more than 150 meters from a home in Shajaiyeh to the Israeli-run Karni cargo crossing. The tunnel, security officials said, was to have been used by terrorists to launch an attack against the Israeli side of the crossing.
"This was an advanced tunnel that the Palestinian Authority invested a lot of money in," said Col. Moni Katz, commander of the Northern Gaza Brigade. "We found equipment inside that we assume was meant to be used in an attack against the Karni crossing."
Katz said that the IDF believes that additional tunnels were being dug in the area and that it was still too early to reopen Karni, which has been closed for the past several weeks due to the terror threat.
Later in the day, troops discovered and destroyed two Kassam launchers, used earlier that day to fire rockets at communities in the South.
On Tuesday, Shin Bet chief Yuval Diskin, told the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee that Palestinians were currently digging some 20 tunnels under the Gaza-Egypt border.
"Except for tanks and planes, they are smuggling everything," Diskin told the committee.
Early Wednesday morning, the IDF fired an artillery shell at a Palestinian anti-tank cell and killed three of its members. Later, another two Palestinians were killed by IDF gunfire. At least one of those killed was a gunman and another was shot while trying to launch a rocket-propelled grenade, doctors and security officials said.
DEBKAfile Exclusive: Hassan Nasrallah’s apologetic speech Sunday night contrasts starkly with his rapid rearmament of Hizballah‘s war machine
August 27, 2006, 11:32 PM (GMT+02:00)

Hizballah’s leader said in a broadcast speech Sunday night that he would not have ordered the kidnap of two Israeli soldiers had he know it would lead to war.
DEBKAfile reveals the other side of the picture: While saying mildly that in his view a second round of the war is not indicated, Nasrallah has just finished reconstituting his Southern Nasser Brigade command (short range Katyusha rockets) in the port town of Tyre after collecting its elements form various south Lebanese villages to the east. His fighters reached Tyre at the same time as French UNIFIL troops landed in the same port but were not noticed by the TV cameras focusing on the French landings.
DEBKAfile’s Beirut sources report Nasrallah goes in fear of an Israeli attempt on his life. Hizballah’s re-armament is therefore proceeding cautiously, rapidly and inconspicuously. For the same reason, he appears to be avoiding a meeting with the UN secretary Kofi Annan who is due in Beirut this week. The local UN office is trying to set up this meeting because Annan would regard as a major feat of diplomacy. However Nasrallah is afraid its venue would leak out and Israeli warplanes would find him.
Similarly, he has called off a victory parade he had planned to stage next week in the southern Beirut Shiite suburb of Dahya among the ruins left by Israeli air strikes. Nasrallah had planned to stand on a platform and take the salute of his armed men as they marched past with Fajer-3 and Fajer-5 rockets. This would have shown the Israelis that Hizballah’s rocket might was still intact after their bombardment. But an intelligence tip-off that the Israeli air force and navy were waiting to bomb the parade persuaded him to cancel the event.
With Thanks to
Monday, August 28, 2006
6:25 PM PDTHezbollah Handing Out Bogus Cash?
Perhaps you saw the images in your newspaper or on television:
“A Lebanese man counts U.S dollar bills received from Hizbollah members in a school in Bourj el-Barajneh, a southern suburb of Beirut, August 19, 2006. Hizbollah handed out bundles of cash on Friday to people whose homes were wrecked by Israeli bombing, consolidating the Iranian-backed group’s support among Lebanon’s Shiites and embarrassing the Beirut government. REUTERS/Eric Gaillard (LEBANON)”This scene and dozens more like it flashed around the planet. Only one thing was missing—the thin wire security strip that runs from top to bottom of a genuine US$100 bill. The money Hezbollah was passing was counterfeit, as should have been evident to anybody who studied the photographs with due care.
Care was due because of Hezbollah’s history of counterfeiting: In June, 2004, the U.S. Department of the Treasury publicly cited Hezbollah as one of the planet’s leading forgers of U.S. currency.
But this knowledge was disregarded by the news organizations who queued up to publicize Hezbollah’s pseudo-philanthropy. The passing of counterfeit bills was detected not by the reporters and photographers on the spot, but by bloggers thousands of miles away:, MyPetJawa and Charles Johnson’s Little Green Footballs. These sites magnified photographs and showed them to currency experts and detected irregularity after irregularity in the bills. (Links to all the sites mentioned here can be found at
Maybe it’s too much to expect journalists to be currency experts. But one does expect them to be able to detect a manipulated photograph, especially a crudely manipulated one. Yet it was again Charles Johnson—who is a professional musician by the way—and not a news editor, who caught Reuters distributing faked photographs by its now infamous Lebanese staff photographer, Adnan Hajj.
Hajj used Photoshop software to make fires in Lebanese cities look larger than they were and to transform photos of Israeli signal flares into apparent images of missiles in full flight. For this and other faked pictures, Hajj was fired and Reuters removed almost a thousand of his photographs from its archive.
But the scandal of Lebanese war coverage only begins with Hajj; it does not end there—nowhere close.
With Thanks, to Little Green Footballs.
Pierre Rehov Explains How and Why the Press is Anti Israel
with thanks -
Pierre Rehov answered the question of why the press so anti-Israel in an interview with Jamie Glasov (Suicide Killers, 12/12/05)
FP: Why do you think such a large percentage of the international media supports Arab propaganda? Why is anti-Semitism and hatred of Israel so cutting edge and fashionable?
Rehov: There are many complicated reasons for that. First of all, let's quickly review this good old anti-Semitism which is crawling nowadays among left wing intellectuals, Jews being represented as the rich and powerful, as opposed to the poor Palestinians. So-said intellectuals love things simple to understand, powerful images, such as Che Guevara being a hero, and Arafat's Kefieh representing a symbol of resistance against oppression.
After the explosion of communism and the USSR empire, communism has been exposed as an evil, intolerant, oppressive and inefficient system. I cannot imagine what must have happened to people who, in good will, saw Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro... or the red Khmers as symbols of their beliefs. They then had to identify with a new cause, a new set of poor to protect and defend with ideas.
A lot of journalists, in very good faith, think of themselves as intellectuals and freedom fighters at the same time. They believe that they are the last real adventurers of this world and they keep deep inside the pride of being the only counter-power to governments. This is healthy, as long as it doesn't become perverted.
In the field, actually, when you have to work in the Palestinian territories, the game itself is perverted. One has to remember that there is no freedom, no security in the Territories.
Journalists risk their life, but maybe less than in Iraq, and definitely less than in most African countries, not to talk about Chechnia or Tibet.
The Israel-Palestinian conflict is for them an easy way to stay, in their mind, the heroes that they believe themselves to be. It is so easy to just stay safely inside Israel, send a Palestinian team to do the work, and then, when everything is set, to appear in front of a camera with a bullet proof vest and a helmet.The price to pay, though, is that you then have to send only the kind of news that Palestinians want you to spread. You end up on prime time with this simplistic image of a poor Palestinian kid throwing a stone at a tank. Nobody then wonders, what is this kid doing on a battle field ? Where are the parents? Who is this guy hiding behind him with a kalachnikov? Would the kid be there if this was really dangerous? How old is the soldier facing him? Perhaps only two years older... etc.
Once a journalist told me: "We have 30 seconds to tell this prime time story called "Intifada Al Aqsa." The story was written by Palestinians and Israel plays the bad guys. Write your own scenario and the media will buy it.
*****CHECKPOINT ***********
Gee , he sure gets around and in all the photos.
First we see him helping out in Kana , now, here he turns
up in in the coastal city of Tyre. What a coincidence!

Emergency workers rush to remove the lifeless body of a victim of an Israeli missile strike in Tyre, southern Lebanon, Sunday, Aug. 6, 2006. Israel continued its bombardment of Tyre and surrounding areas Sunday and its assault on southern Lebanon.The second photograph is also from Ben Curtis (above right), while the third is from Al Reuter's Zohra Bensemra, who took a picture of the dead baby at Qana. He offers this caption:
A Lebanese rescue worker talks to his colleagues next to the body of Ali Reda Ghabun, who was killed in an Israeli air strike, at the government hospital in the southern port city of Tyre (Soure) August 6, 2006.
Notice Green Helmet Guy is right there on the job
just as the photographer shows up to help stage this
photo of a dead body.
Lights, Camera ; Green Helmet Guy ready?
Quiet on the set! ACTION!!!
Notice also that the body has a
severed arm which is lying neatly
next to the body so that you will know
that the arm has been severed. An air strike
would normally strew these body parts all over the place.
But let's say it was all done this neatly.
Where is the blood from the severed artery?
(Photos by Tyler Hicks The New York Times)
** Notice that he is even holding his hat next to his body with his arm!
Hat Tip Russ
(Again- Click on each picture to enlarge)
So, dead guy began his day assisting the photographer, then scrambled over debris, then fell dead. Perhaps the caption should have read "don't help - you'll end up dead".
With thanks to Gateway Pundit

Sunday, August 27, 2006

"Religion of Peace Rally" Trafalgar Square London , England Summer 2006

The psychology behind suicide bombings.
By - Pierre Rehov, documentary filmmaker
On July 15, MSNBC's "Connected" program discussed the July 7th
One of the guests was Pierre Rehov, a French filmmaker who has filmed six documentaries on the intifada by going undercover in the Palestinian areas.
Q - What inspired you to produce "Suicide Killers," your seventh film?
A - I started working with victims of suicide attacks to make a film on PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) when I became fascinated with the personalities of those who had committed those crimes, as they were described again and again by their victims. Especially the fact that suicide bombers are all smiling one second before they blow themselves up.
Q - Why is this film especially important?
A - People don't understand the devastating culture behind this unbelievable phenomenon. My film is not politically correct because it addresses the real problem, showing the real face of Islam. It points the finger against a culture of hatred in which the uneducated are brainwashed to a level where their only solution in life becomes to kill themselves and kill others in the name of a God whose word, as transmitted by other men, has become their only certitude.
Q - What insights did you gain from making this film? What do you know that other experts do not know?
A - I came to the conclusion that we are facing a neurosis at the level of an entire civilization. Most neuroses have in common a dramatic event, generally linked to an unacceptable sexual behavior. In this case, we are talking of kids living all their lives in pure frustration, with no opportunity to experience sex, love, tenderness or even understanding from the opposite sex. The separation between men and women in Islam is absolute. So is contempt toward women, who are totally dominated by men. This leads to a situation of pure anxiety, in which normal behavior is not possible. It is no coincidence that suicide killers are mostly young men dominated subconsciously by an overwhelming libido that they not only cannot satisfy but are afraid of, as if it is the work of the devil.
Since Islam describes heaven as a place where everything on Earth will finally be allowed, and promises 72 virgins to those frustrated kids, killing others and killing themselves to reach this redemption becomes their only solution.
Q - What was it like to interview would-be suicide bombers, their families and survivors of suicide bombings?
A - It was a fascinating and a terrifying experience. You are dealing with seemingly normal people with very nice manners who have their own logic, which to a certain extent can make sense since they are so convinced that what they say is true. It is like dealing with pure craziness, like interviewing people in an asylum, since what they say, is for them, the absolute truth. I hear a mother saying "Thank God, my son is dead." Her son had became a shaheed, a martyr, which for her was a greater source of pride than if he had became an engineer, a doctor or a winner of the Nobel Prize.
This system of values works completely backwards since their interpretation of Islam worships death much more than life. You are facing people whose only dream, only achievement goal is to fulfill what they believe to be their destiny, namely to be a Shaheed or the family of a shaheed.
They don't see the innocent being killed, they only see the impure that they have to destroy.
Q - You say suicide bombers experience a moment of absolute power, beyond punishment. Is death the ultimate power?
A - Not death as an end, but death as a door opener to the after life. They are seeking the reward that God has promised them. They work for God, the ultimate authority, above all human laws. They therefore experience this single delusional second of absolute power, where nothing bad can ever happen to them, since they become God's sword.
Q - Is there a suicide bomber personality profile? Describe the psychopathology.
A - Generally kids between 15 and 25 bearing a lot of complexes, generally inferiority complexes. They must have been fed with religion. They usually have a lack of developed personality. Usually they are impressionable idealists. In the western world they would easily have become drug addicts, but not criminals. Interestingly, they are not criminals since they don't see good and evil the same way that we do. If they had been raised in an Occidental culture, they would have hated violence. But they constantly battle against their own death anxiety. The only solution to this deep-seated pathology is to be willing to die and be rewarded in the afterlife in
Q - Are suicide bombers principally motivated by religious conviction?
A - Yes, it is their only conviction. They don't act to gain a territory or to find freedom or even dignity. They only follow Allah, the supreme judge, and what He tells them to do.
Q - Do all Muslims interpret jihad and martyrdom in the same way?
A - All Muslim believers believe that, ultimately, Islam will prevail on earth. They believe this is the only true religion and there is no room, in their mind, for interpretation. The main difference between moderate Muslims and extremists is that moderate Muslims don't think they will see the absolute victory of Islam during their lifetime, therefore they respect other beliefs. The extremists believe that the fulfillment of the Prophecy of Islam and ruling the entire world as described in the Koran, is for today. Each victory of Bin Laden convinces 20 million moderate Muslims to become extremists.
Q - Describe the culture that manufactures suicide bombers.
A - Oppression, lack of freedom, brain washing, organized poverty, placing God in charge of daily life, total separation between men and women, forbidding sex, giving women no power whatsoever, and placing men in charge of family honor, which is mainly connected to their women's behavior.
Q - What socio-economic forces support the perpetuation of suicide bombings?
A - Muslim charity is usually a cover for supporting terrorist organizations. But one has also to look at countries like
Q - Is there a financial support network for the families of the suicide bombers? If so, who is paying them and how does that affect the decision?
A - There used to be a financial incentive in the days of Saddam Hussein
($25,000 per family) and Yasser Arafat (smaller amounts), but these days are gone. It is a mistake to believe that these families would sacrifice their children for money. Although, the children themselves who are very attached to their families, might find in this financial support another reason to become suicide bombers. It is like buying a life insurance policy and then committing suicide.
Q - Why are so many suicide bombers young men?
A - As discussed above, libido is paramount. Also ego, because this is a sure way to become a hero. The shaheed are the cowboys or the firemen of Islam. Shaheed is a positively reinforced value in this culture. And what kid has never dreamed of becoming a cowboy or a fireman?
Q - What role does the U.N. play in the terrorist equation?
A - The U.N. is in the hands of Arab countries and third world or ex-communist countries. Their hands are tied. The U.N. has condemned
Q - You say that a suicide bomber is a 'stupid bomb and a smart bomb' simultaneously. Explain what you mean.
A - Unlike an electronic device, a suicide killer has until the last second the capacity to change his mind. In reality, he is nothing but a platform representing interests which are not his, but he doesn't know it.
Q - How can we put an end to the madness of suicide bombings and terrorism in general?
A - Stop being politically correct and stop believing that this culture is a victim of ours. Radical Islamism today is nothing but a new form of Nazism. Nobody was trying to justify or excuse Hitler in the 1930s. We had to defeat him in order to make peace one day with the German people.
Q - Are these men traveling outside their native areas in large numbers? Based on your research, would you predict that we are beginning to see a new wave of suicide bombings outside the
A - Every successful terror attack is considered a victory by the radical Islamists. Everywhere Islam expands there is regional conflict. Right now, there are thousands of candidates for martyrdom lining up in training camps in
The current situation in the Middle East is not a conflict between Arabs and Jews.
It is not a conflict between Arabs and the West.
It is not a conflict generated by poor , oppressed people.
Suicide Jehadists are overwhelmingly middle class and upper class.
Instigated by Iran's Ayatollahs, it is an attempt to bring the rest of the world to "submission,"to Islam.
It is a conflict between Radical Islamic Fascism and the rest of the world.
Article - Islamic Fascists call for genocide of non-Muslims
Conservative Truth ( has published pictures from a recent demonstration of Islamic Fascists in
Religion Of Peace Demonstration
June 5, 2006,
The pictures Above interspersed in the previous article are of Moslems who marched through the streets of
The Photos can be found on all of the following links.