Wednesday, September 01, 2010

David Samel's Huff Post Hezbollah Love Fest
On a related note: Hezbollah's approval of the synagogue renovation is entirely
consistent with other statements it has made regarding distinctions between Jews
and Zionism, e.g. "Our problem with them (the Israelis) is not that they are Jews,
but that they are occupiers who are raping our land and holy places." However,
it is entirely inconsistent with the 2002 supposed quote of Hezbollah head Nasrallah
that has been peddled as genuine by the likes of David Horowitz and Alan Dershowitz
and CAMERA: "If Jews all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide." This quote has gone viral, even finding its way into a New York Times book review, misleadingly cited by Dershowitz as the source for the quote, as if it had been reported in the Times rather than simply repeated by a book reviewer.

Gee David, as long as Hezbollah is 'not inconsistent'. Oh my gosh, what if, in addition to kidnapping, murder, psychotic missile lobbing, what if they were 'inconsistent"?????
My God, my faith in humanity would just absolutely diminish. And how 'bout those two nasty pro-Zionist punks, Dershowitz and Horowitz and that awful CAMERA group "peddling" nasty gossip about your beloved Hassan
Nasrallah. They are going to really have to say a few " AL Hets" in shul this Rosh Hashanah for that bit of Loshon Horah. Get a grip you twit. The people in Beirut 'get it'. They all know that it's just a luscious Hezbollah PR ploy. You remember, Hezbollah, the guys that murdered all those US Marines in Beirut and those Jews in bomb attack on a Jewish centre in Argentina in 1994.
A Grand Synagogue, but no Jews. A museum piece. Only a fool like you would
believe that it is anything more. A ruse to be used on fools. Worked great on you didn't it?


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