Haifa, Israel July - August 2006
Israeli car destroyed by Hezbolla Katyusha Rocket. Each Rocket is filled with tens of thousands of ball bearings which fly in all directions. Hezbollah fires the rockets at Israel
from Southern Lebanon. The firing is random and indiscriminate. Hezbollah rocket teams aim south, towards Israel and hope for maximum destruction.
Photo Lenny Mas

Hezbollah Rockets Set Galilee Forests on Fire

Soldier's Funeral on the final day of the 2006 War.
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I take it you are not a big fan of Israel and you seem to prefer the Hezbollah fantasy and whatever the press tells you to think.
It is a fairly common attitude.
Come visit Israel and see what free thinking, hardworking, dedicated and creative people, living in a modern democracy, can do.
reboston you are a coward to delete the second thing wilburmercer said. If you dissagree with what he says then reply to it. Let everybody see. Israel isnt perfect even if you support it. I have just lost all respect for you. freedom and democracy, debate and disscussion my ass.
I'm not an expert on cowardice so I'll have to defer to your superior knowledge of its definition.
You can post a comment or a well written paragraph, but no books,dictionaries,complete histories of the world.
comments are allowed eh? I found 1 or 2 of the more biting comments I left had been recently removed. I dont beleive you when you say you removed wilburmercers cooment because of its length. I think you removed his comment because of its content especially the undeniable truth of his statements made on the subject of Israeli violations of International law as set down by UN resolutions.
reboston I apologize for calling you a coward. I actually do have quite some respect for you. I was just rather annoyed that you censored your comments.
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